Asian Giant Japanese Hornet - size, sting and more information


Giant Japanese  hornet Japanese Hornet Japanese honeybee workers forming a defensive ball around a giant Japanese hornet.

scientific name : Vespa mandarinia  japonica 

Scientific classification:

kingdom : Animalia

Phylum : Arthropoda 

Class : lnsecta

Order : Hymenoptera 

Family : Vespidae 

Genus : Vespa 

Species: Vespa Mandarinia 

what does it look like ?The giant Japanese hornet is a  insect The adult can be more than 4cm long with a wingspan of greater than 6cm. lt has a large yellow head with large eyes, a dark brown thorax and an abdomen banded in brown and yellow . Three small simple eyes on the top of the head can be easily seen between the large compound eyes . Where does it live? This subspecies of the Asian hornet is found on the Japanese islands , They prefer forested areas where they  make their nests in tree holes.

Giant Japanese Hornet A worker perched no an index finger to give an idea of scale. the queen are larger than workers . drones are similar of female.         

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