Physical world and Measurement

Physics , Technology and Society

Every natural occurrence around us like the sun, the wind,the planets,atmosphere,human,body etc.follows some basic laws. To understand these observing natural occurrence is called physics.

these laws of Physics are related and applicable to every aspects of life, thus understanding them leads to their applications in several fields for further development of society,which is also know as Technology.

Hence we can say that vast scope of knowledge and invention is connected with physics. There are lot of excitement in this fields, because technology band society are interconnected ,Sometimes Physics generated new technology whereas sometimes technology give rise to new Physics and both affect the society somehow.

Units of Physical Quantities

unit of any quantity is its measurements as compared to certain base, arbitrarily chosen,internationally accepted Physics generates reference standard. there are several  systems of units like CGS (centimetre ,gram and second ), FPS (foot, pound and second) and MKS( metre,kilogram and second).

Fundamental and Derived Units

 The units of a defined set of Physical quantities called fundamental quantities are know as fundamental units and the units for all over  physical quantities ,except fundamental quantities are know as derived units.

so , a complete set of these units , both fundamental and derived units is know as the system of units.


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