Lets we will about Balloon Fish - Balloon fish


A  balloon fish sensing danger, inflates itself in defense.

Scientific name :   Diodon holocanthus

Scientific classification: 


Class : Actinopterygii

Order : Tetradontiformes 

Family : Diodontidae 

what does it look like ? The balloon fish is a boxy-looking species with an angular head and large eyes. In its normal,  nonthreatened pose, the long spines (modified -scales) on its skin lie flat against its body. The pectoral and tail fins are small and delicate. The skin is pale, and there are dark blotches on its skin, giving it a mottled  look. Fully grown, the balloon fish can reach lengths of 50 cm. 

Where does it live ? The balloon fish is associated with tropical coral reefs, mangroves ,sea grass beds, and rocky seabeds. It can be found around the world. In the Atlantic,
it is found from the Bahamas to western Brazil, and in the Pacific, it  is distributed widely through the numerous island groups. It is a shallow water species, rarely venturing to depths of more than 100 m.     

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